Opening Hours
Glenwood Municipal Library Hours

Sunday Closed

Monday 12pm - 4pm

Tuesday 12pm - 7pm

Wednesday 1pm - 5pm

Thursday 3pm - 7pm

Friday 10am - 1pm

Saturday Closed


Glenwood Municipal Library

59 Main Avenue Glenwood T0K 2R0

Location and Hours

Library History

Glenwood Library is a white building with red accents. The library sign sits atop a box of fresh flowers and it is a cloudy summer day.

1980 - September 6 - Official opening of the Glenwood Municipal Library. The Library was 22 square metres of a building that also housed the Village Office and the Firehall. There was no librarian, so board members volunteered their time for the six hours a week that the Library was open.

1982 - Bonnie Law served as permanent Librarian from September 1, 1982 to June 30, 1984.

1984 - Twylla Oviatt began as Library Manager September 4, 1984.

1987 - The Library was closed for a month or two for renovations. The Firehall was moved and the Library took over the space, making it 111 square metres. Further renovations included a further expansion of the Library, which occurred in the winter of 2000-2001.

1992 - April 9 - The Library joined the Chinook Arch Regional Library System and is now enjoying all of its benefits.

1999 - The Library offers for use to the public, a computer terminal with full Internet-access services.

2007 - The Library adds another computer terminal with full Internet-access services, is open to patrons 15 hours a week.

2008 - Wireless Internet Access is added to the Library's services.

2010 - March 31st - Twylla Oviatt retires after 25 years of dedicated service.

2010 - April 1st - Melissa Lybbert began as Library Manager.

2020 - March 9 - Nikki Francis began as Library Manager.

The Glenwood Municipal Library has grown from a few donated books to a good selection of some 23,000 library items, including adult fiction and nonfiction, children and youth books, reference materials, large print, magazines, videos, DVD's, books on tape, audiobooks on CD, downloadable audiobooks and eBooks, and more.